In the Krymsharian existence, he was the quiet and more observant being known as Vyldar Stevens. He lived in Llardu, a small village in which a large forest separates there from the main area of Beltar City. One of the reasons why he was more quiet is that he did not have a physical body when he manifested. He radiated his true ancient source energy being, although later he eventually found a form in which he only showed parts of his body as energy-essence. As one of the first twenty of the land, there were debates on whether or not it would be him or Jefferson Sparks (now Jefferson Khranadu) that would be the head being and the supreme protector of the lands. Vyldar easily declined the request.

Nicknamed Vyl, he mostly stayed in the background, teaching others about the ways of the Radiance. He also showed a few how to harness and control it, although he did not go much further into it. He only guided them on showing them that the energy-essence is there and how to tap into it. He figured it was up to the attuned to find out where they would go from there. Hence he did not guide people to their deeper paths.

He slowly began to herald himself into an image in which he began to interest himself in seeing others rise as super beings in defending the lands and, when they are called, other realms as well. This was the Visionary of the Scherzeru, otherwise called the Superhero Vision, or Supervision for short. Although he had attuned to that vision, he did not really show himself too much. There were more eager powers to be.

During the Uruku wars, Stevens still did not really do a lot of offensive attacks. Instead he used the cosmic source of his ancient energy-essence to enhance the other powers of the ones who were protecting them, which pretty much he had embued some seriously devastating, raw power to his Pleiadian allies. Stevens still helped the ones on the main land.

In the second war, Stevens was in a slumber until he noted the sounds happening. That is when he got up and began to head out towards the Simier Lake. There he noted a ticking that was going on, and he noted that in the distance there was a bomb. There were also several other sourceweavers who attempt to try to get the bomb away from the planet, but instead it exploded in a blinding light, destroying the entire planet.

In the Pleiadian resurgence on Earth, he was formed as Stevensville Naden Parr. Stevensville wasn't too happy in finding out that his head was pure energy, so he made an orb to keep it in tact. It's interesting because Stevensville, in his previous existence, had half of his body as energy. Now he had only his head. One of the things that Stevensville said:

"If even the rest of my body was energy, at least my head should have some physical substance. This definitely won't work."

Stevensville did a few things for a year then he disappeared.

He had returned to the physical planes once again, this time he had re-attuned to the Supervision, hence he became the supreme Scherzeru, hence the name of Stevensville Scherzer.

Stevensville, as said, was one of the few Pleiadians who did not have a complete physical body. In the beginning he wore a robe to cover most of the energy being that he truly was. Later on, the robe was adjusted so that only parts of his body was shown as pure energy, mainly his hands and part of his chest. When he manifested on Earth he was not too thrilled at only his head being pure energy, so he made an orb to cover that part of him. After attuning to the Supervision, he was back to the half physical/half energy being, and he began to adjust to that. This also brought Stevensville back to his usual observant, laidback self, as he realized that he was in a much bigger area than when he was back in the old times, and that he did not want to scare people with his presence.

What didn't change about Stevensville is that he heralded interested Pleiadians to know about their Radiance and how to harness it. With him and the Supervision, Stevensville also heralded other superheroes, and some of them became Scherzeru - which is supposedly the Pleiadian name for a "superman". Stevensville, however, just guides people on their inner source and points them to adventures. He hardly does anything using his powers unless he is summoned/commanded to, or if the situation is dire that the universe literally calls for his Radiance to explode. It would have to be that extreme based on how he is.

Why does Stevensville hold back? Let's start that he is a Pleiadian, for starts. And that he is already aware of the Radiance. It is pretty simple that he already knows of his energy-essence and the raw power that he has. Now, let's talk about the Scherzeru Supervision. The Supervision clearly shows of his presence as a superman like figure. Now, Stevensville is the Lord Scherzeru - when you're the one who heralds other supermen, that pretty much means you're like the supreme of the supermen. As a body of raw cosmic power and a living weapon, Stevensville is far too powerful to fathom.

Blast Power
Cosmic Awareness
Dimensional Manipulation
Energy Absorption
Energy Manipulation
Energy Shield
Energy-Enhanced Strike
Force Field
Gravity Control
Illusion Casting
Light Projection
Reality Warping
Super Hearing
Super Sight
Super Speed
Super Strength
Time Manipulation
Time Travel

Even though Stevensville usually lets others do the superhero missions, there are times where the power radiates to a feel where there are sometimes he will show himself at times, to keep him at peace and also show why he is the Lord Scherzeru. Usually he can stay calm even when he does get a random yearn for use of his power. However, the longer he yearns, the more violent and destructive he can be. When Stevensville goes into action he is known for his signature, destructive, extremely powerful energy beams which can easily blast and eradicate massive fleets or entire planets.

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