In the beginning of his existence in Krymshar, he was known as Durzel Dunnen. He started out as an unaware being, but became more aligned with the stars and astrology. He began as a teacher, showing of others about the stars.

A special meeting happened between Durzel and a unicorn named Benson Van Haarken (who was recruiting for the Defenders). Benson felt a cosmic essence from Durzel, but also felt that he did not know how to use it, so Benson taught Durzel about the Radiance and the Spark. Durzel was one of the first non-aware Pleiadian humans to access the power from the Spark within.

Durzel was one of first humanlike bodies as a Defender. He was also one of the first to focus into his cosmic energy as a weapon. However, Benson became a Living Cannon, and Durzel's cosmic power magic shifted from as a weaponlike stance to using spells of defense. During the second Uruku invasion, most of Durzel's action mostly involved using his spells to defend the other unaware from attacks while letting the actual living weapons attack at the fleet. Durzel, however, did have some elemental attacks and also developed a source powerful enough that he had a cannon within him.

An strange set of events happened during Krymshar's destruction. Durzel attempted to save the world when he saw the bomb detonate, but his spell wasn't strong enough. Durzel, however, didn't die because he had ended up encasing himself in a cosmic cocoon. The cocoon, though, disintegrated Durzel's body, making him a walking being of energy.

A year before the Resurgence, the essence of Durzel manifested in a strange realm named Menzai. There he had ventured himself into becoming a teacher. There he took the name of Kyshiran Dunnymar. Ky focused himself mainly as a magical being who used solar, ice, and lightning powers. Eventually, Jefferson met up with Ky in essence, and in the Spiritual Realization, things changed. He regained his cosmic Radiance, his elemental powers went extreme, and he became a whole different person - Kyshiradurzel Khranadu. Ky went on to become a teacher of long range combat, only to find that he only had one student. Things never really developed for Ky after that. When Menzai was disbanded, Ky had went back to his cosmic cocoon.

It took five years after the Pleiadian Resurgence on Earth before Ky began to materialize within the newly reformed city of Pittsburgh. Unlike most of the other Khranadi, Ky actually resides in the city, blending in with the humanlike crowd until he needs to tap into his inner source. But when threats arise, he will still rise to the occasion.

Kyshiradurzel first became an teacher of the cosmos. Then the cosmos began to surge from him after his attunement from the Realization that was invoked by Benson the Unicorn. He gained various powers from the attunement.

His main powers - which most can possibly be with extreme power - include:
-Cosmic Manipulation
-Cosmic Awareness
-Elemental Manipulation
-Energy Manipulation
-Energy Blast / Beam Emission
-Spatial Manipulation
-Gravity Control

During his time on Earth, Ky has used some of his powers to create energy-based artifacts - mainly gems, orbs, and crystals. He mainly uses the elements that he can radiate, and uses the cosmic energy for just crystals.

In the need for extreme power, when none of the other Defenders are around, or when he is the one summoned, Kyshiradurzel taps into his Spark and erupts into a body of cosmic energy, known as the Novasource. There his elemental powers are almost unfathomable in magnitude and he also taps into a cosmic source within him. He also can manipulate reality in this form. In addition, the Cosmic Spark within the Novasource becomes a cannon. The inner cannon, or 'cannon-spark', enables most cosmic beings to use any of the energies within him to fire a laser or lasers that are powerful enough to pierce through most armors or shields. In his most powerful source eruption, it enables Ky as the Novasource to exude his inner weapon known as the Celestial Meltdown Laser Cannon, which is a powerful laser of raw solar-cosmic light. This heavy laser beam is so powerful that it can tear through the fabrics of reality with such a violent beam eruption.
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