Upon the creation of the Pleiadian land of Krymshar, he manifested as Benson Van Haarken. Benson was one of the first of the Pleiadians that formed in Krymshar to acknowledge the inner powers of his Radiance. In such he was able to transform from his human state to a unicorn. During an attack on their lands he became the Battle Unicorn. As a Battle Unicorn, Benson channeled his powers to unbelievable levels, including - at that time - becoming a living cannon (pretty much a walking massive beam laser weapon). It was said that his inner Spark was the Light of the Universe, a force of extreme, godlike power (which only 4 Pleiadians radiate). Benson gained total attunement and embodiment over any element it chooses.
In his human form, Benson was one of the first teachers of the Spark and the attunement. He was the first to teach most of the attuned Pleiadians about how to channel the Spark as a weapon, as he knew that there would be more of him needed in case of something threatening. In such, Benson helped to form several other Weapons before him, some which have become Defenders and Battle Unicorns.

The Pleiadians had dealt with an invasion of an evil group of gray skinned beings known as the Uruku, who brought a fleet to invade Krymshar. Benson was one of the head leaders of the Pleiadian Defenders. Eventually, the Defenders, after a five day long war, defeated the Uruku (they retreated, and did very little damage to Beltar City). Only two Pleiadians died in the war (and they returned - both of which were taught by Benson and became Defenders).

20 years later, the Uruku returned with a much larger armada of ships which came before him. Benson and the other Defenders became much more powerful, and began to annihilate them with a light show that shined through the cosmic system. Unfortunately, one of the smaller ships had a very potent bomb in it and snuck into Krymshar unnoted. It was when it landed when Benson heard a sound and went to it. By the time Benson was about to use a spell to cast it away from the planet, the bomb detonated, literally destroying the entire planet in a massive light.

40 years later, Benson appeared as a celestial being overlooking through the former Pleiadian land. It took a few months, but Benson found the Urukian planet of Syvi. With his violent celestial wrath and the Light of the Universe within him, Benson became the Light of Destruction. The celestial began to open cannon fire on the planet with a godlike laser storm, showering the planet with powerful beams of cosmic energy. The planet suffered total destruction. Benson had wanted to destroy the entire planet in a supernova but decided that this was enough devastation.

After the cosmic eruption, Benson returned as a starlike spark.

Some of the Pleiadians re-emerged on Earth in the 21st century, yet the Khranadi had not manifested yet. It was when Jefferson Sparks, the Living Thunderbolt, had reformed (surprising, from a thunderstorm over the northern, uncharted fringe of Pittsburgh). There is when he and several other Pleiadians and other mystical beings began to emerge into the newly formed Temperance Peak, a magical city to the northern edge of the newly reformed Pittsburgh megalopolis. A year after the Khranadi Realization and Temperance Peak emergence, a very quiet mage known as Stannard Khranadu also came into view. He was taught by Jefferson about the ways of the Khranadi and their magical attunement. He also developed a down-to-earth, humorous type of personality which is EXTREMELY rare for a Pleiadian (knowing what the Pleiadians had gone through on their home land). During Stannard's adventures, he had developed his magic rather quickly, using spells that were more powerful than any mage on the land. When Stannard and Jefferson began to meet again, Jefferson gave Stannard the bigger Realization - that he was a unicorn of celestial power. It was then that Stannard-Benson had deeply focused on higher power spells and attacks. Upon using one of his spells, he had become attuned with his extremely powerful source, the Light of the Universe. It was the same godlike power he had radiated when he was the Unicorn Essence, Benson, in his previous life. He can't turn into a unicorn now, but he now embodies the same divine energies as before. It was noted that Stannard was supposed to be the leader of the Khranadi, but Stannard declined the offer because of the seriousness of it. Not to mention Stannard is the one who heralded the Bennesen Unicorns, so he didn't want to take too much responsibility (not to mention controlling the destruction magic that has been laden within him as being a former Battle Unicorn, and having the Light of the Universe).

Stannard-Benson is known as the Khranadi Pleiadian Godmage. After realizing his unicorn essence and his magical radiance, He had become a force of severe power, manifesting godlike feats with ease.

His main powers - which most can possibly be with extreme power - include:
-Cosmic Manipulation
-Cosmic Awareness
-Elemental Manipulation
-Energy Manipulation
-Energy Blast / Beam Emission
-Spatial Manipulation
-Gravity Control
-Astral Projection
-Reality Manipulation

Stannard has some strength (not too much, but can be when invoked). He can fly, but nothing too ridiculous. He does more teleportation and phasing than flight anyway.

One of Stannard's unique things is his celestial cloak, which radiates the raw energy of the cosmos before him. Pretty much part of his essence is in that cloak. When in severe power mode, Stannard Benson is embedded with Nova Gems on his chest and forehead. Each of the gems can spark with his Light of the Universe, in case he needs to illuminate severe power. The larger Nova Gem on his chest is his Extreme Cannon, the grand eruptor of energy. It is said that there may be over 500 beam cannons within him from that gem. Any of his severe power blasts can open fire from that gem, which its power is unfathomable when sparked with the Light. Most spells and attacks which use that Nova Gem include any very heavy, very powerful beam laser attacks which uses raw, extreme power of any element or combination of elements, along with the Novastorm Bombardment (a cannon eruption of 100-500 laser beams in either rapid fire or a continuous multi-beam eruption), and the Supernovacannon (a very powerful laser which uses the Light of the Universe and the source of many raw elements into one immense, all-destructive beam).

Stannard has the same flaws as most other deeply attuned ancient Pleiadians have. When sparked with such destructive power, they rapidly urge for their powers to be used, or it causes them to have unstable moods, and sometimes become distant, in addition to uncontrollable sparks. It's even worse for Stannard because of his magnitude. Most times Stannard was able to control his power urge with his usual jovial self, but as time grew on him and his essence grew to such extreme power, his mood became increasingly unstable.
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